One time contribution

You can pay your first fee through any of these methods:

- Sending a Bizum to the number 638 56 06 59 or with code 01261

- Make a bank transfer to the following account: Fundación The Walk on Project | IBAN ES63 2095 0114 60 9112945561 | Swift (BIC) BASKES2BXXX | Kutxabank

- With credit card, PayPal o Bizum eCommerce in an easy way by clicking this button:

What one time contribution would you like to make? The amount will go to the fight against neurodegenerative diseases.

Fill in your details
For a more direct communication, provide us with your cell phone number in the comment section added to any other evaluation that you may have. We would be delighted to know about how you got to know us!
Personal Info

Select Payment Method
Visa Mastercard Maestro Diners

Haz tu donación de forma rápida y segura a través de RedSys

¿Cómo funciona? Serás redigirido a un portal de pago seguro en RedSys, para que pagues con tu tarjeta de crédito o débito. Cuando termines, volverás aquí para ver el recibo de tu donación.

This is what you will donate:
Donation Summary
Payment Amount
Giving Frequency
One time
Donation Total

Donation Total: €25